A baby is a miraculous gift, no matter how one receives it. Some are given the ability bear them, others the ability to rear them.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Insems are going well!

Much better being in a house and not a hotel room!! Also...instead of the Instead Cups we are using a Diva Cup....It feels so much better and makes more sense to me! I just couldn't seem to place the Instead up correctly without leakage. *blahhh* the Diva Cup is completely air tight!

I absolutely love going to the IPs house! June gets into everything--but they love it, IF plays with June nonstop!! Oh, and, the food is always aaaamazing! I LOVE FOOD!!

Funniest thing during this insem: on day one (at 7AM), IF was doing his "thing" while IM was watching June...IM slipped into the shower before work and, as we have it set up, I go to "my" room and prep myself, IF finishes and yells to IM, IM runs over, grabs the goods, and hands it to me and closes the door. THIS time, however, IF kept yelling for IM who was in the shower!! Poor guy..I think he thought we left!!

Side note:
I never wrote about this (I've been slacking), but a few days before insems, Frank and I visited the IPs for dinner. IF made Frank margaritas...three. IDK WHAT he put in them, but WHOA! I don't think Frank has been THAT drunk, EVER!! And, Frank definitely didnt' anticipate on getting that tossed, after all, a 200lb man vs three margaritas?!! Poor guy, he has vowed to never drink tequila again.