A baby is a miraculous gift, no matter how one receives it. Some are given the ability bear them, others the ability to rear them.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hope Life

"Hope Life" was the name they posted under. I hadn't replied to any ads, but given that they were close (within a 30 minute drive), I thought I would give it a shot.

The Intended Mother and I emailed back and forth, and eventually began chatting over the phone. From the second we began emailing, I knew it was right. A gut feeling, an overwhelming acceptance, knowing that we were matched. Our phone calls were easily over an hour, just talking, laughing, serious and full of humor. I thought everything about the I.M. was great.... The Intended Father wished to speak with me to say hello and to get acquainted with who I am, this woman who had made his wife so hopeful. A simple hello with him ended at a mere 40 minutes. Both the I.M. and I.F. were great from the beginning.

Just yesterday we met at a Starbucks, and as requested, I brought along my 13 month old daughter. I.F. played and played with my Little Bug while I.M. and I talked regarding issues such as my interest in home birth, us being a 30 minute drive, the aspect of midwife vs doctor, my ideal natural pregnancy and, the excitement I had toward their culture as East Indian parents.

As I mentioned in a blog previous, it is important to feel comfortable with the lifestyle of your I.P.s...I grew up in a predominately Indian/Asian community and always noticed the family orientation of the Indian culture. Hearing how excited both the I.M. and I.F. were about talking with me, and being just this much closer toward beginning their family made me feel amazing. I could do this for them, I could be the one to make their dreams come true.

(Did I mention that I REALLY love Indian food and Chai?...And I am fascinated with Henna belly art...AND, okay, to be TOTALLY honest, I may have a copy of the Kama Sutra!).

Every second of our meeting was full of fun, light-hearted, but seriousness. Words cannot describe, no matter how long I can stretch this post, how amazing and magical it feels to find the right match.

We are inches away from contract signing and I feel this will be an easy one, we are in full agreement on everything, no convincing, no talking into things...just plain and simple, "Wow! That's exactly how I feel, too!".

I look forward to this journey and hope to use this blog as a way to connect with other surrogate mothers, parents and all those in between. May we all have luck with our families and...Keep my ovaries in your prayers!! Let's make this baby!!